How To Add A New Artboard In Illustrator?

How To Add A New Artboard In Illustrator

What Is An Artboard In Adobe Illustrator?

An artboard in Adobe Illustrator serves as your dedicated canvas, akin to your personal space within the document where your design takes shape. The pivotal tool granting access to this realm is the artboard tool.

What Is An Artboard In Adobe Illustrator
What Is An Artboard In Adobe Illustrator

“In Illustrator, an artboard represents the space where you’ll place vectors, graphics, and text. The flexibility to have multiple artboards can give you a different perspective on your design process.”- Funnel Graphic

How To Add A New Artboard In Illustrator? 

Follow this quick guide:

Step 1: Open Adobe Illustrator and either open an existing file or create a new one by navigating to the top menu bar and selecting File > New.

Step 2: Access the Toolbar and choose the Artboard Tool (identified by a crop symbol) or open the Artboard Panel by selecting Window > Artboards from the top menu. Locate the New Artboard Button at the bottom of the panel or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N.

Step 3: Manually create a custom-sized artboard by clicking and dragging on the workspace.

Add A New Artboard
Add A New Artboard

Navigating the Artboard Panel:

The Artboard Panel, also known as the “Artboards Panel,” is a control panel facilitating artboard management. To open it:

  • Go to Window in the top menu.
  • Select Artboards from the dropdown.

Within this panel, find a list of artboards along with various management options.

Rearranging and Resizing Artboards:

Rearranging Artboards: Use the Move Tool to rearrange artboards in the Artboard Panel or employ the Artboard Options Dialog Box for different arrangements.

Rearranging and Resizing Artboards:
Rearranging and Resizing Artboards:

Resizing an Existing Artboard:

Select the desired artboard and drag the bounding box handles. To move artwork along with the artboard, press Shift while using the Move Tool.

Deleting and Duplicating Artboards:

Delete Key: Remove a specific artboard by selecting it and pressing the Delete or Backspace key.

Duplicate Artboards: Alt + Click (or Option + Click for Mac) on the artboard you want to copy.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly add, manage, and customize artboards in Adobe Illustrator.

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